High School '63 College '67 BS Management Cum Laude
AAA Board Member

Assumption Affiliations:
* Chair of HS class 63/ College 67 at Assumption College, Marfina spearheads her class involvement in assisting the Assumption community’s mission schools for their educational and scholarship requirements, especially San Juan Nepomuceno in Malibay, Pasay, St. Martin’s School in Baguio and the Assumpta Technical School in Pampanga.
Professional Experience:
* Coach member - International Coach Federation (ICF), the leading global organization dedicated to advancing the coaching profession by setting high ethical standards. She is a certified facilitator of the 7 Habits for Highly Effective People program. Facilitates workshops, seminars and training programs in schools and other organizations.
* President and CEO of manufacturing and marketing firms in the apparel industry. Her apparel products were exported to European countries, United States, Japan and Australia. She established garment manufacturing facilities in Region 3 to develop the skills and increase employment opportunities of people living in the area. Brand labels manufactured and exported from Marfina’s factories consisted of “Liz Claiborne”, “Hugo Boss”, “Armani XChange” “Phillips Van Heusen”, “Polo by Ralph Lauren”, among others. Marfina also conceptualized and developed two brands of children’s shoes, “Hardy Togs” and “Striders” for the domestic market.
* Chair of HS class 63/ College 67 at Assumption College, Marfina spearheads her class involvement in assisting the Assumption community’s mission schools for their educational and scholarship requirements, especially San Juan Nepomuceno in Malibay, Pasay, St. Martin’s School in Baguio and the Assumpta Technical School in Pampanga.
Professional Experience:
* Coach member - International Coach Federation (ICF), the leading global organization dedicated to advancing the coaching profession by setting high ethical standards. She is a certified facilitator of the 7 Habits for Highly Effective People program. Facilitates workshops, seminars and training programs in schools and other organizations.
* President and CEO of manufacturing and marketing firms in the apparel industry. Her apparel products were exported to European countries, United States, Japan and Australia. She established garment manufacturing facilities in Region 3 to develop the skills and increase employment opportunities of people living in the area. Brand labels manufactured and exported from Marfina’s factories consisted of “Liz Claiborne”, “Hugo Boss”, “Armani XChange” “Phillips Van Heusen”, “Polo by Ralph Lauren”, among others. Marfina also conceptualized and developed two brands of children’s shoes, “Hardy Togs” and “Striders” for the domestic market.